Our skin plays host to many conditions and diseases that can be effectively treated and cured. With accurate diagnosis, well-crafted treatment plans and proven techniques, our patients see excellent results.

Melasma, also known as chloasma, appears as a blotchy, brownish pigmentation on the face. It develops slowly and fades with time. The pigmentation is due to overproduction of melanin by the pigment cells, melanocytes…
The pores of our skin contain oil glands that supply moisture to our skin and hair. Occasionally, pores can become clogged by excess oil, skin cells or bacteria. This results in a skin condition known as acne…
Rosacea is a chronic disease that affects over 14 million people. It first appears as the reddening of the face, typically associated with flushing or blushing…

Pigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in colour than the normal surrounding skin…
Sun Damage
Excessive sun exposure over the years often results in sagging skin and wrinkles, as well as an increased risk of cancer. The harmful Ultra Violet rays of the sun can penetrate deep beneath our skin’s surface…
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Wrinkle Correction
The complex process of the ageing of skin occurs through a combination of many factors. The natural process of ageing is the leading cause, which we cannot avoid. As part of this ageing process…