Wrinkle Correction
What is it?
The complex process of the ageing of skin occurs through a combination of many factors. The natural process of ageing is the leading cause, which we cannot avoid.
At one time, we accepted wrinkles as a “right of passage” of sorts: with age comes wisdom, lines and wrinkles. We have in recent years, however, began to learn what is really going on, and moreover, that it can be dramatically altered.
What are the causes?
The abundance of collagen, elastin, and fat which the skin has in youth accounts for the flawless smooth look that begins to fade in adulthood. Environmental factors; some controllable, others not (sun exposure, poor diet, smoking, and exaggerated muscle movement), accelerate the process that genetics have set in motion. We now see that wrinkles are a matter of the skin losing these youthful elements, and this can be remedied with new advanced products and treatments.
Forehead Wrinkles – Wrinkles on the forehead most commonly appear in two ways. They appear either as vertical lines just above the nose, often referred to as “the elevens”, or as horizontal rows across the forehead. The “elevens”, or glabellar lines, result from squinting, scowling, worrying or just plain thinking. The horizontal lines may result from normal animation whilst talking, or from holding the brows up with the primary muscle of the forehead (the frontalis) during times of stress, or just naturally. These lines are primarily the result of continual muscle contraction and can become very deep over time.
Lines around the mouth are formed in much the same way as lines around the eyes or forehead, mainly caused by muscle movement. People with very expressive or animated faces tend to have more wrinkles in these problem areas. We call these ‘dynamic’ wrinkles. With every muscle contraction, the skin concertinas and these repetitive movements form a permanent line that over time can become a deep wrinkle.
How can it be prevented?
A healthy lifestyle, an excellent skin care regime and regular preventative treatments can help to dramatically slow down the ageing process.
What are the treatments?
Advanced laser treatments i.e. Fraxel can help your skin remodel its elastin and reproduce collagen to correct many of our wrinkle conditions.
• Fusion mesotherapy
• pHformula skin resurfacing

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